[Johor Bahru] Terminating Employees' Contract of Service The Right Ways
Course Information
  • 21-Feb-2025
  • Doubletree Hilton Hotel, Johor Bahru
  • Brian Wee Lai Han
  • English
  • RM 940
  • 9:00am - 5:00pm


Dismissing or terminating employees seems to be one of the most difficult areas of management. It seems that an employer is never able to dismiss or terminate an employee the right way, an in most of the reported dismissal cases, the courts seem to decide that the dismissal is unjustified. This course has been designed to provide participants with the knowledge necessary to carry out dismissal or termination the right way and thereby ensure that the company does not end up paying huge amounts of money to the dismissed or terminated employees.



• Make employers aware of their inherent rights as provided under the:

     o Common Law

     o Labour Laws
     o Industrial Laws

• Be also aware of the rights of employees so as not to commit acts of unfair labour practices

• Be able to act with conviction and confidence when unduly threatened by employees or trade unions

• Ensure compliance with labour contracts and act in good faith to create harmonious employer-employee relations

• Protection against illegal and unlawful actions by employees

• Avoid unnecessary and costly appearances at the Labour Court and Industrial Court over disputes

• Understand and appreciate the legal remedies available to employers in exercising their rights over employees particularly with regards to discipline and poor performance issues



Stimulating Lecture, Analytical Learning through Case Study & Exercises, Workshop Sessions



• Manager/ Executive/ Supervisor of HR and Industrial Relation Department

• Department Heads and those dealing with termination of employees




Trainer will answer issues related to Employment Act from attendees within 30 days of the training date, on a best effort basis.  Terms & conditions applied.



Date:           21 February 2025 (Fri)
Time:           9.00am - 5.00pm
Venue:         Doubletree Hilton Hotel, Johor Bahru


FEE:   [ HRD Corp Claimable ]
   - Special Offer (before 14 Feb 2025)      –      RM900
   - Normal Fee      –      RM940


>> Fee includes Course Notes, Meals & Certificate of Completion and 8% Service Tax


** OFFER **

- 10% Cashback for SST2u Learner Card+ (SLC+) members. T&Cs applied.

HRDCorp Claimable Course:
Trainer MyCoiD: 429594X
Course Scheme: HRDCorp Claimable Course Course
Type: Public
Course Code: 10001180689 



[01] Introduction

• Types of termination of contract

• Voluntary/ Involuntary


[02] Termination Pertaining to Poor Performance

• Probationer

• Probationary period

• Managing Probationers

• Managing Poor Performers (Probationer and Confirmed Employee)
     - Monitoring, training, counselling, etc.

     - Warnings, extensions/termination
     - Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)


[03] Termination Pertaining to Discipline

• Application of Section 14 (1) & (2) of the Employment Act 1955 and Section 13 of Industrial Relation Act 1967

• Analysing Misconduct Minor and Major

• Misconduct/Criminal Misconduct/ Misconduct outside employment

• Types of Misconduct

• Due Inquiry of Suspension

• Permissible Disciplinary Action

• Enforcement of Discipline – A Managerial Function

• Communicating of Disciplinary Rules

• Domestic Inquiry Proper


[04] Termination Pertaining to Retrenchment

• The Code of Conduct for Industrial Harmony 1975

• Termination and Layoff benefits Regulations 1980 - Does your Employee Handbook play a role?

• Does your Employment Contract play a role?

     - Termination benefits entitlement computations

• Is termination notice period required?

• JTK Compliances and documentations

• Employment Insurance System (EIS / SIP) for Retrenched employees


[05] Other forms of Termination of Contracts

• Retirement age
• Illness or imprisonment




HRDCorp Accredited Trainer, Consultant

Brian Wee was Head of Human Resources, Internal QMS Auditor and Corporate Trainer of MMC for a holding company of oils refineries in Malaysia. He holds a Master of Business Administration and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Heriot Watt University, United Kingdom. He also has a Certificate and a Diploma in Personnel Management. He is a Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP), an Ordinary Member of Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM), PSMB Certified Trainer and PSMB Human Resource Consultant. Wee has attended a three days Effective Training Evaluation program by Ms Beverley Jeffreys of Chisholm Institute, Australian National Training Authority (ANTA). He brings with him more than 15 years of working experience in Human Resource of large manufacturing companies. He is a Resource Training person for Malaysian Institute of Personnel Management (MIPM), Malaysian Institute of Purchasing and Material Management, UBS Commercial Institute, Open University Malaysia, Asia e University and UTM Space Executive Diploma Programs and others. He started off his career in 1980 as a Senior Officer with the Ministry of Information where stayed for 15 years and gained extensive management experience. Later he moved to a Japanese based company where he was in charge of all spectrums of Human Resource functions. During that time, he acquired some Japanese management skills such as Kaizen, Zero Defect, JIT, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, ISO QMS and EMS Awareness Program and many others. He developed and trained QC, ISO QMS and EMS and productivity related modules for the Wilmar International Group of companies’ employees. In his present capacity, he develops modules and trains his employees and many organizations. He is also a part time lecturer for academic courses, namely Certificate & Diploma Program for Malaysia institute of Human Resource Management, Supervisory Module for Certificate & Diploma for Malaysian Institute of Purchasing & material Management, Executive Diploma of Human Resource Management for UTM SPACE, Asia e University, Southern College University and Open University Malaysia and Professional Short Course in Mandarin for Human Resource subjects and English Conversation & Communication Skills for User Business School (UBS). His much in demand programmes are Effective Supervisory Skills, Purchansing & Negotiation Skills, 8D Team Problem Solving Methods, Total Preventive Maintenance, ISO QMS AND EMS Awareness Program, UTM SPACE ISO QMS Modules, Effective QA/QC Inspectors, QC Tools, QCC, Effective Communication and Motivation Program, Excellent Clerical Skills, Excellent Customer Service, Effective Business English Communication Skills, Report Writing Skills, Effective Presentation Skills, Teambuilding Program, Positive Working Attitude, Malaysian Labour Laws and Industrial Relation Laws, Understanding of Employment Act 1955, Handling Misconduct and conducting Domestic Inquiries, Effective Salary Computation and Administration, Handling Problematic & Difficult Employees, Report Writing Skills, Drafting an Employment Contract, Effective Human Resource Management, HR for Non HR Executive / Managers, People Management, Leadership Skills, Balanced Scorecard, Key Performance Indicators and others. Among some of his training participants and/or consultancy services included Kyocera, Sunpower, TJ Wang Group (Accountancy & Secretarial Services), Lii Hen Group, China Press, White Horse Ceramic, ML Plastics Sdn Bhd, Yee Wan manufacturing, Southern College, Foo Yew High School, MITI, Police Academy (Technical),Champion Precision, JK Sumi Wire, Muar Ban Lee Engineering, Autoveyor, Southern Lion, Seiko Electric, CSC Steel, San Miguel Yamamura Plastic, Ornapaper, Umicore Malaysia, Alloy Consolidated (MTD Group), Panasonic AVC Network, Southern College University, Infineon Technilogies, to name a few. Mr. Brian Wee had provides HR & Quality and Productivity Consultancy Services to Li Hen Group, a furniture exporter and manufacturer, Omega Printer, Golpar Plastic Injection, Dian Pang Supermarket and others.



Enquiry: yes@sst2u.com


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